New to New York, Chapter 1

It’s been exactly one week since I “moved” to New York City.

I say “move,” because I came here with just two suitcases, as evidenced below (you can read more about that here). Much of that time has been spent apartment-hunting and settling in at my new agency, but of course, there’s always time for coffee, martinis and catching up with girlfriends.

I haven’t yet had my “New York moment” — meaning it doesn’t feel as though I live here — but I suspect it will come when I’m least expecting it… In the meantime, here’s a few things I’ve learned in my time thus far as a New Yorker:

  • It doesn’t matter that you’ve mastered the art of packing ten pairs of shoes in your bag. The overweight luggage fees you’ll incur will end up costing you more than your one-way plane ticket.
  • Nail polish can explode at 30,000 feet.
  • There’s a secret cab line at LaGuardia airport. Write this down! Turn right when you exit baggage claim and walk about 500 yards to the American Airlines Terminal. Almost kept this one to myself, but I digress…
  • You can spend $3 on a bottle of wine, but expect to pay $12 for a bottle opener.
  • However, you can find $5 manicures.
  • You can’t just “stop in” to Trader Joe’s. You have to get in line. No, like, in order to go up and down each aisle, you have to get in a line that snakes around the store.
  • 13th Step in East Village has $3 picklebacks on Wednesdays. (Also, Picklebacks are possibly the best-ever combination since PB&J.)
  • Forever 21 in Times Square is open 24-hours. Actually, almost everything in Times Square is open 24-hours.
  • Stay away from Times Square.

  • Neighborhoods are referenced as three letter sequences in conversation. LES = Lower East Side, UES = Upper East Side, and so on.
  • Walking is an essential way to exercise, since there are so many tempting restaurants to try. A recent fave includes pork chops and lobster dumplings at Triomphe in Midtown (pictured above, left).
  • Since you often do walk everywhere, flats are essential. Most of my shoes are back in Ohio, so statement necklaces have become my go-to accessory for adding outfit flair.
  • If you’re taking the subway, remember or learn the hard way (and then re-visit the bullet above): Inside runs express.
  • I am very happy here.

For more miscellaneous New York moments, you can follow along on Twitter and Instagram. In the meantime, I’m looking forward to my first full weekend exploring the city. Oh, and hopefully to finding and signing an apartment lease. Minor details, really.


  1. I am totally in love with this post - you are adorable! And you sound like a New Yorker already. #soproud

  2. When you get a chance to breathe, go to Union Square and try the pork belly sandwich app from Ippudo. It’s a game changer.

  3. So proud of you and so happy for you!! Loved this post, girl, your best one yet. I think some follow up content should revolve around that $5 mani. Is that for real?! xo

  4. You’re slowly becoming one of us NY’ers! Also, 13th Step has $1 drafts on Tuesday. I learned that real quick after I moved here :)

    I rarely, rarely wear any of the heels I own unless it’s for a few hours at work-it’s too hard to push through tourists when you’re working on balance! Also, subway advice when you’re headed to a new neighborhood-pay attention to what direction you have to go when you leave the subway (N/E/S/W) and read the signs that say “NW Corner of 40th St”…saves you from having to do the dumb I-went-the-wrong-direction turnaround in the middle of the sidewalk. Which I still do at least once a month even though I’ve lived here since 2011 (don’t tell anyone!). I can’t wait for you to keep discovering all the amazing things you find & sharing them!!

    Blonde in this City

  5. Hallie - Congrats on your big move - so jealous that you are taking the city by storm! I am making that move myself fairly soon and can’t wait to get back to the city I love most in the world! Best of luck and enjoy every minute and hopefully we’ll bump elbows on a city street someday!


  6. I’m totally afraid to bring nail polish on a plane now! I’ve done it a couple times before and never had a problem, but that would be one of the worst things to explode! Your poor cosmetics bag. Excited for you and your new life in NYC! Enjoy settling in!

  7. $5 manicures?? Um, so lets have a $5 mani date!! Also, I love this and can’t wait to read more about your New York experience. I hope that you’re your doing well :)

  8. I love NY…I spent a week there last April and seriously considered moving there. Then I realized I was finishing up a graduate degree and probably couldn’t afford the $900 a month rent with a pug and pay off my loans in a timely manner without a job lined up, haha!

    I am dying to visit there again, I absolutely love the fact you can spend all day just exploring the city and never run out of things to do…food, salons, more food, coffee, high end, bargains, shopping- it’s just phenomenal. LOVING your adventure!

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  12. Pingback: New to New York, Chapter 2 -

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