Link Love, Vol. 47

Wanderlust, calling…


Peaks & Pits, May 8

Peak: Work, man. Work. I love teaching so much! I’m going to be in Chicago for a few days next week (teaching at SoulCycle Old Town on Tuesday, May 12 at 8:30 p.m.), so I’m looking forward to being back on my old stomping grounds for a bit.

Pit: I kept a low profile this week, as I was actually pretty sick. You know how that in-between-seasons scratchy throat just creeps up on you? Nothing a little tea and a lot of water couldn’t fix. I’m all good!

How was your week? Do feel free to share your peaks & pits in the comments below.

Sales & Such


Links I Loved

  • Five design elements that every blog needs.
  • Perspective: THIS is what SoulCycle is all about.
  • So good. This video with Anna Wintour and Seth Meyers is hilarious!
  • I am totally obsessed with Grace’s flamingo cover-up (and matching shoes).
  • Just bookmarked this healthy recipe. Avocado and spinach sauce? Yes please!
  • The perfect summer reading list. Book club, anyone? The Girl on the Train is first on my list.
  • What a cute idea! Alyson filmed little bits of her day in order to compile this monthly mini video.
  • My OG SoulCycle Instructor (hi, P!) shared his Soul-inspired playlist on
  • 20 studios in New York are giving 100% of their proceeds to charity for the city’s annual Fit Week.
  • Jimmy Fallon rights the (accidental) wrong of the Price is Right — who gave a treadmill to a winner in a wheelchair. Awkward? (She’s a good sport!)

Trending on c+c this week


Have a happy weekend! You can find me on…
Instagram | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | snapchat (@coralsncognacs)


  1. Yes to having a search bar on your blog! I’ve come across a few lately that didn’t and not being able to find the specific post I was looking for drove me bonkers. Peak: Monday is slowly becoming my favorite, most productive day of the week (gasp) and I think it has to do with my mindset - it feels good! Pit: The rest of the week wasn’t as great and I let self doubt creep in (used up all my good mindset juice on Monday, apparently) and I let it linger a little too long. Hope you’re feeling 100% for the weekend ahead! :)

  2. Loving the addition of Peaks and Pits to your Friday posts…it helps to keep things in perspective, reminding us all that the blog world isn’t always sunshine and puppy dogs, and it’s a reminder to keep a positive outlook.
    As for the book club….I’d be totally down!

    Have a fantastic Friday!

  3. Hope you feel better soon! It’s tough to maintain a teaching schedule when you’re not 100 percent. I teach about 15 classes a week, and when I feel a tickle in the throat, I nearly panic!! hahah! Have a great weekend!

  4. I get the same sickness every year that you had. It was worse this year because I was flying back from a 10-day trip to Europe, so it was pretty bad. Glad you’re feeling better! And can’t wait to hear your thoughts about Girl on a Train..I loved it (great airplane read). Have a great weekend!

  5. My peak & pit has to do with a recent transition in my life. My peak was that I started a new job this week, my first job out of college! My pit was probably just adjusting to everything and taking my time at this new job, and coming to the realization that a big part of my life (college) is really over. It’s a lot to take in!

    Ellen | A Pop of Pink

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