New to New York, Chapter 2

It’s been awhile since I’ve provided you an update on New York City, but there’s a good reason for that. Time seems to never cease or slow here, but that’s the way I like it! How have you been keeping busy?

  • I’m starting to feel settled and have finally started decorating my little east-side studio. If you missed my apartment tour post, be sure to check it out!
  • The World Trade Center spire was lofted into place this month — it tops out at 1,776 feet tall. (Below, on the left)
  • Brooklyn is really fun. Warehouse parties especially.
  • Don’t bank on grabbing a cab when it’s raining. Guess what? Not happening.
  • The East River running path (above) has some of the most amazing views of the city.
  • You need an actual key to get into Gramercy Park – the pretty area that I’ve been shooting most of my photos in recently. Like, the actual park — the grassy field. It’s iron gated and you have to be among the privileged (read: rich) few to get in.
  • New York bagels are unbelievably salty and delicious. I used to laugh at my old co-worker, Haley, who would carry-on a baker’s dozen bagels on return flights to Chicago from work trips. I get it, Haley. I get it!
  • The best places to get coffee are those you’ve never heard of – like OST Cafe in East Village or La Colombe in SoHo. On the walk to work, I usually stop at the same street vendor every day - $2 extra-large iced coffees! New York’ers, Anywhere else you’d recommend?
  • New York squirrels are aggressive and have great taste in handbags. Back-story on that is here.
nyc photos, new york city pictures
  • I am addicted to SoulCycle. I have a weekly Outlook reminder set for scheduling classes every Monday at 11:59 EST. Classes fill up within seconds — literally! Survival of the fittest and fastest Internet connection.
  • Jessica and I are on a mission to over-indulge at every Mexican restaurant Manhattan has to offer. So far, my favorite is La Palapa!
  • Tory Burch and I share an office building. True story, read more on it here.
  • I’ve never seen Clueless. This is irrelevant, but I just thought I’d let you guys know.
  • Additionally, I’ve never been to Shake Shack, but I walk by and marvel at its New York’ism all the time (below, right). I’m going to make Alyssa supervise my first visit.

For more miscellaneous New York moments on the fly, you can follow along on Twitter and Instagram. (Or you can see my first NYC round-up here!)

In the meantime, I’m headed to Texas to visit my sister! I’m looking forward to skipping town for a long weekend. They say you never really appreciate New York until you leave — I’ll keep you posted on that. Hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend!


  1. I hadn’t seen Clueless until like last year! We’ll have to use that as an excuse to stay in and veg out on popcorn soon! Your place obvi, because I don’t have a TV 😉

  2. You still need to have MUD coffee!! Amazing, delicious, brunch & their coffee is incredible. They also have a truck but I’ve never seen it (but I’m just not far enough downtown during the day!). It’s on 9th b/t 1st & 2nd. Also, have fun in Texas!!! You really will feel like you’re coming home when that plane is flying you over the city on your way back in. I did the first time and it was a crazy, wonderful feeling!

  3. Yes, yes, yes to Shake Shack. Here’s the thing, you’ve gone your whole life thinking you know delicious burgers. But your mind will be blow (I sound crazy…maybe I should stop…haha!).

  4. I lived in NYC for a few months and I was also mesmerized by the crowds, mainly because I couldn’t believe people would wait in line on cold nights. I finally went and it was every bit worth the wait. I suggest you pick up some Shake Shack, then enjoy it while watching Clueless!


  5. Loved reading this. So funny - I interviewed with Tory Burch in that same building back in the day! I can’t believe you’ve never seen Clueless - it’s definitely a must see. I think it’s on Netflix? Also, I looooove La Palapa! I’m a California girl so I’m picky about my Mexican, and they are great. And you’re for SURE going to want to check out Shake Shack. It’s a must! They are like the only reason I go to Mets games, hehe.

    I know you missed your flight today - hope everything worked out well for you!
    xox Lara

  6. Loved reading this. Can’t wait to come visit you, see your supes cute apartment, eat Mexican, see the city, and chase these brave and daring squirrels! Hope you had fun in Houston!

  7. Also, Tompkins Square Bagels by my place. Had it once last week and again this weekend for good measure. THE BEST. Seriously. We have to go soon. A & 11th. We’ll get Cafe OST Iced Coffees, bags from TSB and then people watch in the (Tompkins Square) Park!

  8. Hi! I just had to write to you to let you know how much I loved your last post-similar to you, my twin sister and I just moved to NYC as well. We love it here but your post was so relatable! This city is so great, but so overwhelming…not a second to stop and take a breather! Ok-Gramercy Park is private-shocker! We just got our studio in Gramercy and just could not comprehend it was a private park (or whatever that means to NYC’s pretentious elite). To add to your coffee list, I will recommend, Bowery Coffee in’s fabulous. For good Cuban, Cafe Habana is delicious, also in Nolita. I am so excited to explore the East River Running path, as that will be my summer running spot. Rain + NYC don’t mix well, agreed. We had moments where we actually had to learn the ‘hail a taxi down wave’, several people give us their advice on the perfect wave to catch the cabbie’s attention. My twin sister loves SoulCycle too! A mani for $5? I have yet to find this place…the cheapest we have found is $8. Also, Clueless is an awesome movie…make sure you take the time to watch! I look forward to your future NYC posts!

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