Outfit Outtakes, Vol. 2

The post-holiday time period can only mean one thing: Anticipation of the New Year and discussion of the self-improvements sure to follow… (LOL.)


Instead of firmly mapping out my resolutions, I’ve opted to share some of my more recent embarrassing moments caught on-camera to help you channel your resolve for self-improvement. (Thanks, Lydia.) Let corals be your guiding compass!

With that, here’s the second installment in my new-ish (favorite) series, Outfit Outtakes.

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Oh, the Museum of Sex. Looks like a great place for a photo shoot!

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8 a.m. Prom poses in the park. With my blog wife.

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Click the images above to view the full-slash-normal outfit posts. Sending you lots of love from halfway around the globe. (Current Location: Hong Kong!) I’ll have another update/photo diary from our trip for you this weekend.

Photography by Lydia and Jessica // Click here to see Outfit Outtakes, Vol. 1.



  1. These posts are so fun! Gotta keep a sense of humor about yourself, love that you’re able to do that. Hope you’re enjoying your trip!

  2. These outtake posts are the funniest! It’s so nice to know even the most stylish of fashion bloggers are human, too! Hope your trip is going well!!

  3. This is becoming one of my favorite posts around here! Props to you for being brave enough to pose them. When reviewing my photos, I quickly delete all of the outtakes. I hope you are having a blast in Asia! I went a couple of years ago, and Singapore is my favorite. If it’s not on your literary his time, you should really go back!

  4. Hahaha, I love your “children” comment…your face sums up my opinion as well, at least when it comes to having them myself. All of these are terribly fantastic!

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