Outfit Outtakes, Vol. 3

Well, it’s that time again — when I air my dirty digital laundry by sharing my most embarrassing outfit photos with you.


If you’re new to this series, here’s the gist: Style bloggers take a lot of outfit photos to get a handful they deem to be “blog-worthy.” As a result, there’s a shitload tons of embarrassing outtakes. These are considered Internet gold ’round these parts, and so c+c readers and I decided (collectively) that they were simply too good not to share. (You win; you always do.)

Without further adieu — here’s the third installment of Outfit Outtakes. Happy Friday, indeed!

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That’s how you really get this shot (click and scroll down).

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Holy Bill Cunningham moment!

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In both of the photos above, large groups of children were walking nearby. Ha! #maternal

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Ohhh yeah. Sexy. Sending you lots of love (and laughs) from New York City this weekend!

Photos by Lydia Hudgens and Jessica Sturdy

Don’t miss these posts: Outfit Outtakes, Volume 1 and Volume 2



  1. HAHA these always crack me up. I’m sure you’re NOT, but in one of the pictures (where you’re wearing the pink beanie) it looks like you’re giving the lady walking past you the biggest stink face lol.

  2. Hilarious! Oh I do love a Bill Cunningham moment, I just saw him on Monday and he nearly walked into one of my shots before stopping himself at the last moment. I wanted to say, “Hey Bill, I would LOVE IT if you jumped into the frame!” Ha. Great post! XO, Jill

  3. Dying! You’re facial expressions in these pictures are seriously priceless.

    Thanks for adding a little laughter into my day 😀 Hope you have a great weekend Hallie!

  4. Hahaha I love these. Especially the one where you’re walking on the painted median, basically saying “f*ck you” to the cabs! I have so many of these that I’ve been saving in a folder from each look since I first started shooting outfits…one of these days I’ll get around to sharing some. Thanks for the good Friday laugh!!

  5. Ah, yes, one of my favorite series of yours (although nothing beats your NYFW recaps). I love a good blogger who doesn’t take herself too seriously…where’s the fun in that!

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  7. Seriously love this series! Thus far, I’ve saved my outtakes for my husband’s entertainment only, but one of these days, I’ll post ’em for the world to see. Too many triple chins and tit adjustments not to share :)

  8. Love the death stare at the Uggs. Loved mine in high school (might still love them now…) but they’ve been demoted to at home lounge wear only. Ever. Never to see grass or sky again.

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  13. Pingback: WEEKEND READING | Design Darling

  14. Pingback: Outfit Outtakes, Vol. 4 | corals + cognacs

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