Outfit Outtakes, Vol. 5

The first few weeks of January typically entail one thing: Talk of the New Year and our hopeful self-improvements to follow.


Let’s take a short recess, shall we?

While the Internet is hard at work on those resolutions, I’m going to share a handful of exceptionally embarrassing moments — all caught on-camera. (Thanks, Lydia.)

Consider me your moral compass — a keen example of what not to do — and this series as a method of helping you focus on sustained personal growth. And, I mean, don’t you just want to know what it is I’m looking at that garnered this horrified reaction?

With that, here’s the fifth installment in everyone’s favorite series, Outfit Outtakes.


This. Literally, a gaggle of grade school girls. My worst nightmare.


Singing opera and/or yawning. Your guess is as good as mine.


This is what “behind-the-scenes” really looks like.


Award-worthy. Hands-down the best photo I’ve ever seen. Or taken.



Bloggers being basic: Gotta love that faux-cab hail. Oops!

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This shoot was cold. So cold — and I’m trying to hide the, uh, evidence.


Over it.


Art directing in Bryant Park. Per usual.

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Brought to you by Lydia Hudgens — my friend and photographer who continues to catch my finest moments on camera. My readers and I thank you for making this series possible, you bitch darling.

Click here for more Outfit Outtakes
Vol. 1 | Vol. 2 | Vol. 3 | Vol. 4

*PS: There’s another special Outfit Outtakes from this post coming soon. You don’t want to miss it!


  1. Seriously - you still look awesome! It just shows how fun and down to earth you are. The gaggle of school girls - my worst nightmare, too. Look at them! I swear the one on the far left looks like she has a blow out! Are those Longchamp bags? Lord help us.

  2. Amazing, as always. But I’m weirdly intrigued by those middle school girls, all in their leggings, Uggs, Longchamp bags, and puffer vests. Deep down, are we all just those middle school girls? Is that one girl in jeans having a panic attack because she’s the only one not wearing leggings? I need to know!

  3. You make it very hard to read your blog during a meeting surreptitiously. I start shaking with laughter isn’t very under the radar.

  4. The first picture - insert crying laughing emoji face here! These are always great and too funny! But in all seriousness, I really admire you putting up the “outtakes” I know there are many of us who wouldn’t want these bad boys out there :)

  5. Pingback: Vitamin D Outtakes [vol 2] | a daily dose of Vitamin D

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  8. Pingback: Weekend Whimsey Vol. 39 | PreppyPanache

  9. Pingback: Outfit Outtakes, Vol. 6 - corals + cognacs

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