Outfit Outtakes

I debated whether or not I wanted to share these with you guys, but after a while I came to the conclusion that it simply wouldn’t be fair otherwise.

When personal style bloggers take outfit photos, we take anywhere from 80-200 frames in order to get four or six or seven snaps that we feel are worthwhile to share with you. As a result, there are a lot of outtakes.

For whatever reason, I manage to contort my face and my body into some seriously questionable positions during each of my shoots. I’ve narrowly avoided getting hit by a cab or two as well. Here’s a few gems, for your laughing pleasure.

Sneezing, I think.

tribal print sweater

Um, hello! I was posing here.

I’m, like, really photogenic. That first one’s a gem, isn’t it? This last one, too — I wish I could explain. Tucking my shirt in? I digress…

In case you’re willing to look past my weirdness, each photo above links through to the original outfit post.

Have a nice weekend!


  1. You made my Friday Hallie - these are hilarious!
    I take plenty of questionable ones (I am a constant “belt-adjusterer”) but I brutally delete them as I go!

  2. Hahaha! I LOVE bloopers! Maybe I’m strange because I was so excited to post my first batch of them a while ago — it’s just fun. 80 pictures is probably the most I’ve ever taken for a blog post, maybe I should be taking more! But living where I do I don’t have as many people around to contend with, either. Loved this post girl — have a great weekend!

  3. Hahaha this so made my day-I have an entire folder (metaphorically large folder) on my computer of outtakes….because I seem to think when I’m having my picture taken, I should also talk. A lot. I’ve even made a few GIFs in the past (because apparently I manage to look crazy for not just one but 4 or 5 photos in a row). One of these days, I’ll get around to sharing them, they’re some gems too 😉 glad you’re forging this path in front of me!

  4. hahahhahahaahhaahha oh my god. I just snorted out loud in a meeting a work. probably not a good idea to browse your blog while at work.. but whatever. you never fail to make me crack up. this post is the best thing I’ve seen in a long time. hahaha cannot stop laughing. the sneezing one with you in the red skirt takes the CAKE.


  5. Hah, Hallie, you are brilliant! This is hilarious. These photos aren’t even that bad though, I’m sure I have many of myself that are way worse. Too funny, like the blooper reel at the end of a movie. I appreciate you being able to laugh at yourself and not take yourself too seriously!

  6. Pingback: TGIF | | a daily dose of Vitamin D

  7. I’m pretty new to your blog but I LOVE that you posted these! You have a great sense of humor and obviously killer style. I’m def a fan now!

  8. LOL I love your outtake pictures!! I usually have about a million outtakes and like 3 good ones! I think my husband takes them with his eyes closed. And btw, mine are WAY worse than yours! Have a great weekend!


  9. I love this! You are so honest, and that’s why I love your blog :) My outtakes are awful! I talk too much during my pictures too, probably because I feel so awkward. I just stand there and smile though. No action shots or anything artistic over here!

  10. Cracking. Up. I love that you shared these! I did a post like this recently too (http://isntthatcharming.blogspot.com/2013/09/when-outfit-posts-go-wrong.html), it’s so funny to look at the outtakes. Hey, we’re all human!

  11. Pingback: Stylish Saturday: Pyramid Studded Watches, Burberry and NYT Shakeups + more! » styleitonline.com

  12. I have a couple of lifestyle bloggers that I peruse daily for the past couple of years. I commented only once in all these years. I stumbled upon your blog last month and I just have to say, you have a brilliant personality which you easily capture in your blog. I appreciate your style but most importantly you humor. Thanks.

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  14. Pingback: Something to be Thankful For | Happy Thanksgiving

  15. Pingback: Outfit Outtakes | Style Blogging Gone Wrong

  16. Pingback: Outfit Outtakes, Vol. 4 | corals + cognacs

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