Nerd Alert

If we’re being honest, I don’t mind the snow.


… But that’s only because I recently thrifted this super-soft BCBGMAXAZRIA poncho-type knit.


It’s Social Media Week in New York City, which I’m attending on behalf of my employer and myself.

Social Media Week is a lot like Fashion Week, but for full-on tech-geeks.

Myself included, sure, but beyond that, I’m talkin’ full. on. tech. geeks. Think guys (and gals) with business card-shaped dents in their khaki pants, toting yellow legal pads and nerding out over FourSquare check-ins and free snacks from event sponsors.

As a result, it’s been very amusing to wear things such as the above poncho-type knits, questionable snow shoes and glorified spacesuits to confuse the vast majority of conference-goers.

what-to-wear-with-white-jeans-in-winter white-jeans-winter

I have a background in social strategy, so I’m super into these types of things… Plus, it’s unbelievable people watching.

I’ve felt utterly over-stimulated by check-ins, tweets, and buzzwords (such as “Screenagers!”) before 10 a.m., so it’s been a caffeine-fueled week to-date.

With that said, I’ll do you guys a favor and not blog hour-by-hour updates from each of the two-hour panels I’m attending. (Though if you’re interested in what I’m learning at SM Week, you can follow along here.)

Back to regularly scheduled Fashion Week programming later this week!


*Wearing: Zara coat, BCBGMAXAZRIA textured poncho (sold out; similar here and here), Gap jeans, BCBGMAXAZRIA pumps (similar here), 3.1 Phillip Lim Pashli satchel, lucite cuff c/o Capwell + Co (coming soon), Dana Rebecca rose gold Sylvia ring, Jessica’s Karen Walker sunglasses

Photos taken by Jessica Sturdy


  1. I love the poncho, it brings so much warmth to the oufit (which is amazing in itself)! That is so cool that you have a background in social strategy! I’ve been dying to work in the field but with little experience other than my blog, I had a hard time finding a job that was a great fit and ended up back in law. Someday! Have fun at social media week! It sounds like a lot of fun!

    • You’re right, it’s hard, but don’t under-estimate the self-taught lessons you’re learning through blogging.

      I don’t have a formal background in social — it’s grown and gained through jobs and my blog. My blog is actually what spring-boarded me into social media. : )

  2. Love this Hallie! Doesn’t wearing a coat on your shoulders make you feel 10x more like a fashionista? Lol I did that in today’s post…I guess it’s a blogger thing!

  3. Pingback: Weekend Victory | corals + cognacs

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