How I Prepare for New York Fashion Week

Don’t be fooled by the Lincoln Center selfies, the street style don’ts, and the Real Housewives in the second row. This event we call Fashion Week is more or less just a glammed-up trade show.

… An eclectic, wonderfully chaotic trade show. And it’s amazing.

nyfw, mbfw, photos, blogger, coverage, media, press

jill stuart nyfw

This will be my third fourth season at Fashion Week, and I think I finally have my prep routine down to a science. The days leading up can be overwhelming, but the end result – and the week of – is always an experience to remember. (8 days and counting!)

I’ve done a number of Fashion Week videos sharing behind-the-scenes footage and the like (including a Day in the Life feature), but what you may not know is exactly how much work goes into prepping from the independent publisher’s perspective. I’ve received a few e-mail inquiries asking how I manage my time and what to expect, so I thought I’d share some of that here:

Three weeks out, I…

  1. Update my media kit.
  2. Design and order new business cards.
  3. Request press credentials ($$$). (*Update: I no longer do this as I have a few seasons under my belt, but this is a great first-step for newbie NYFW’ers, as it will get you access to the PR companies you need to contact for show invites.)
  4. Shop. I know, I know — “cry me a f-king river, Hallie”, but when the end-of-summer/pre-fall sales hit I can’t stop my brain from saying, “OMG, I’ve got to get my shit together for for Fashion Week!”

Two weeks out, I…

  1. Plan my editorial calendar. Or figure out what I’m posting, because I won’t have time to write and edit photos during it.
  2. Shop more. My favorite last-minute spots for excursions are Shopbop and Zappos — their delivery is lightning-fast. And Zara, of course, for runway-inspired looks that nearly pass for the real thing.
  3. Pick up a new pair of Tieks. Foldable flats are God’s gift to heel-loving ladies.
  4. E-mail PR agencies requesting show invites (this is a very time-consuming process).
  5. Drop $300 at the dry cleaner’s. Why the hell do I hoard silk pants, again?

One week out, I…

  1. Grocery shop. Seriously. I buy fruit and veggie juices to easily grab on my way out the door every morning or else I won’t eat. And hangry bitchy ain’t pretty.
  2. Make plans with other bloggers! One of the best parts of NYFW. By now, most of us have an idea of where we’ll be and when, so we can coordinate time to get-together, change out of our heels and chat.
  3. Get a facial. When you’re powering through on Clif bars and minimal sleep, this makes you look like you got a few more hours than you actually did.
  4. Finalize my outfits. At this point, my apartment looks like the dressing room at Forever 21.
  5. Follow-up on countless e-mails I sent out requesting show invites.
  6. Acquire carpal tunnel syndrome from sending out so many e-mails. Casts are the new arm candy.
  7. Research. Occasionally, I’ll cover a show for Last year I interviewed Charlotte Ronson (MAJOR life moment); I do my fashion homework prior to attending a show so I can report on it in a timely, relevant manner.

During Fashion Week, I…

  1. Panic, because all of the outfits I’ve carefully planned go out the window the morning of. Or it rains.
  2. Don’t sleep, which is why I love YSL’s touche eclat.
  3. Work a lot — writing, photographing, editing, etc.
  4. Party. And then after-party.
  5. Stay caffeinated. My local barista will soon know I need a grande with an extra shot to peel my eyes open in the morning.
  6. Apologize to my friends. I tell them it’s like I’m on an out-of-the-country work trip. Must. Preserve. Cell. For. Instagramming.
  7. Know where I need to be and when I need to be there. Then get lost and show up late to everything anyway.

For more on my NYFW essentials and for previous coverage (including my videos), feel free to click around in my FW archives.

I’m looking forward to sharing my NYFW journey with you this year! If there’s anything in particular you’d like me to cover/photograph/share with you, give me a shout in the comments. Now, back to my e-mails — one week to go!


  1. Aw, I love this so much. I laughed out loud multiple times at how accurate your descriptions are. Good reminder… I need to stock up on bottled coffees and juices.

    As a #blogwife side note, I feel like almost every Fashion Week memory has you in it! Charlotte Ronson after party, the 4 am video following, Nemo, drinks at the Wayland, trying to find an open restaurant, carbo loading at Chipotle, Birchbox Sample Stop, waking up to 15 calls from you* because I slept through 3 shows, having to Uber all of my shit home from your hotel room, and so many more. Back when you were just visiting in September and February, it was always so fun having you in town, whether you were staying with me or not. And now you live here!! Can’t wait for another FW together! :) #PDA

    *which is now becoming a regular occurrence #oops

    • Hahaha, dying. Actually, crying. Is it normal to be tearing up at this? #PMS

      CANNOT WAIT for round three. I’m not sure how we continue to top our weekends/ Fashion Weeks, but looking forward to going full-steam ahead this season. Here goes!!! Love you lady!

  2. Its long been on my NYC bucket list to attend a Fashion Week show and your post makes me even more excited! Now, I just have to figure out how to get there!! Looking forward to your recaps :)

  3. so excited for you. i can’t wait to see all the posts, instagrams and tweets! this way i can pretend i was there, not on the other side of the country stuck at my desk.

  4. This was awesome! I have never been to fashion week, but hope to go someday. And I loved reading about your prep. Can’t wait to read all of your updates!


  5. Love this post! Can’t wait to cyber stalk the crap outta you next week! Have so much fun (like I need to tell you that…)!!!!!!

  6. This post just reminded me that it’s next week, and I’ve done nothing (not even shop, like Grace did-since I’m trying to live on a better budget before the holidays!). Feeling the need to go home and get some work done AFTER job #1…ahh! This is a really awesome post, though, Hallie, and you’re fantastic for sharing it :)

  7. Pingback: This Week - Hitha On The Go

  8. Pingback: Links à la Mode: The IFB Weekly Roundup | IFB

  9. Pingback: Forget Numbers, Build Engagement DIY Doyenne

  10. I’ve just discovered your blog through IFB and I really like this post since I am preparing for my first New York Fashion Week!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Marie xxx

  11. This is so good! I have been thinking about fashion week for a while and yet I’m still totally unprepared!
    Haha, I think I need to use this long weekend and get my act together!

  12. Pingback: Superficial On The Surface |

  13. Pingback: Links A La Mode 15 | Attire Club by Fraquoh and Franchomme | Men's Style, Fashion and Lifestyle

  14. LOL OMG Hallie… I swear our humors are aligned. I loved reading this! Can’t wait to see what next week brings you - also looking forward to the insta’s. Also sad that Fashion’s Night Out got cancelled this year. I might be up in late Sept though :) xoxo

  15. Pingback: Fall Fashion Inspiration | Dress and Boots

  16. Pingback: Game On : Mesh Jersey + Links a la Mode - Mr WALK & TALK

    • Aw, thanks girl! Yes, it’s definitely challenging to manage both blogging and a full-time job, particularly during Fashion Week. I’m excited to share my shenanigans with you girls again this year!

      Glad you left your link, too - off to check out your blog now! (A welcome procrastination to e-mail writing.)

  17. Pingback: Links a la Mode - Superficial on the Surface | savagem

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  19. Pingback: Link Love: The Neon Blonde Has Been Featured! | The Neon Blonde

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  21. Pingback: Inside Edition: The Fashion Week Tents -

  22. Pingback: Links à la Mode: The IFB Weekly Roundup | IFB

  23. OMG you totally calmed and increased my anxiety at the same time! Kinda sorta FREAKING out about my first fashion week but also super excited. Let’s plan to get together? See you at Lincoln Center homegirl! woo woo. xx

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  25. Pingback: Fashion Week Recap, Day 3: 20ish Hours | corals + cognacs

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  27. Pingback: Link Love, Vol. 20 | corals + cognacs

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