Link Love, Vol. 36

Let me tell you guys: It only takes a few inches of snow for everyone in this city to totally lose it. Did you hear we actually went through a kale shortage? The horror!

hi and bye kate spade mittens

Me, though; I love New York — especially when there’s snow blanketing the ground. What’s prettier than a winter white Park Avenue (as illustrated below)?

Or maybe it’s just that I love a reason to wear these Sorel boots. Either way, I digress — but they’ve barely left my feet this week.

Here’s the latest:

Peaks & Pits, Jan. 30
(Originated here, if you need the explanation)

Pit: So, I hear Mercury is in retrograde. Does your shit just go completely awry when that happens? Yeah, mine too. Let’s just call a Spade a Spade and generalize our ‘Pit’ for the week with that. Duck and Cover!

Oh, and as a secondary, I made the mistake of pulling up Twitter during Scandal when I’m a few episodes behind… I should’ve known better, damn it.

Peak: My parents are here! I’m looking forward to spending the weekend with them — and not just because my mother, bless her heart, loves to clean. No alarm clocks, new restaurants and all of the coffee.


Onto this week’s dose of workday procrastination:

Shopping, sales & such:

Best of the web (this week):

  • Ideas abound: Cute home decor pieces — all under $100.
  • Here’s a really cool timelapse of that ‘blizzard’ we had in NYC.
  • This piece argues wellness as the new luxury status symbol. Do you agree?
  • … And a similar note, my girl Meghan has great thoughts about why she spends money on fitness.
  • Ever wonder what my first blog post looked like? (I used a point-and-shoot to take my own photos. Ha!)
  • Have you heard the news about Piperlime shutting down? Kate Spade Saturday, too. So sad!
  • Fellow ad nerds, here’s an interesting read on media trends you’ll see during (Sunday’s) SuperBowl.
  • Internship alert! Mandy from Waiting on Martha is hiring two; you can check out the details here.
  • Lastly, have you heard of the Shorty Awards? They’re for excellence in blogging and social media — if you’d like, you can nominate me here. No pressure, though; I’ll love you either way. Mean it.

Popular around c+c:

TGIF — I’m O-U-T (but you can find me here this weekend)! Stay warm, safe, dry, caffeinated and all of those other good things, girlfriends.


image via


  1. Nicole’s post couldn’t have been a better and it’s such a great reminder for everyone that we need to stop comparing ourselves. It’s amazing to see how far you’ve come. I hope you have a great weekend, Hallie! :)

  2. Great links! Seeing Scandal spoilers when you’re behind is the worst. Since I don’t have a TV to watch it on I’m always a couple days behind and make sure to stay off all social media Thursday nights. Have fun with your parents!


  3. 1. That shot of wintery NYC is just gorgeous! I want to move there stat. Mostly for the perceived beauty of winter and none of the obnoxiousness of slushy snow. Haha.

    2. I’m behind on Scandal too… I avoid Twitter like the plague on Thursday nights. :(

    3. Any suggestions for must-go places in NYC? I’m visiting next week, couldn’t be more excited!

  4. Hallie thank you so much for including my link in your Friday round up! So fun to see how far you’ve come. Hope you had a great weekend with your family :)

  5. Pingback: Sorel Snow Boots | @coralsncognacs

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