Link Love, Vol. 55

My first full week in Chicago, and I can’t quite decide if it feels like it’s been longer or shorter.


Peaks & Pits

Peak of the week was yesterday, for sure — it was my sister’s birthday, and she kicked off the celebration in my afternoon SoulCycle class. It was so much fun! Oh, and I baked cupcakes.

… I know. But try to contain your shock. Baking is easy, it’s the fact that I bought Tupperware that should impress you.

[Click here to see my SoulCycle schedule]

The Pit? Boxes. Everywhere.

Living in a state of organized chaos is slightly stressful, but it’s nothing a glass of red can’t cure. (Yes, a deliciously dark red wine — because it’s, like, 50 degrees here.)

At any rate, the ‘rents are coming to town this weekend. Hooray! You know how your apartment never truly feels like home until your mom’s touched it? Yeah. I’m 29-years-old and I still FULLY acknowledge that I still feel this way.


Here’s this week’s links — leave yours/anything you want to share in the comments below.

Shopping & Such

[Similar style here]

Links I Loved

Trending on c+c


Have a happy weekend! You can find me on…
Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | snapchat (@coralsncognacs)


  1. Mom’s are TOTALLY needed for a move, I’m moving in September and the first thing I did was text my mom the moving-date, who needs a movers when you have your mom? #notashamed Also, you absolutely need those shoes, don’t even question!

  2. Oh Cupps and her clothing line. Frankly I found a lot of it boring and un wearable in real life. I also thought it was expensive and discriminatory to women who are larger (I mean I know it is her right to make the clothes the size she wants but for someone who claimes to be such an amazing business woman you would think it would occur to her that if 50+% of the population is over a size 12 perhaps providing clothes in those sizes would be a good move).

  3. Good luck unpacking all the boxes! It’s no fun, but I do love a clean slate to organize everything during a move in:

    Also, what are the sandals in the first photo? I’ve been looking for a similar style!

  4. Oh my gosh, I love your comment about how an apartment doesn’t truly feel like home until your Mom has touched it! I’m 36 and feel the exact same way. I own a townhouse now, and every time my mom comes to visit (she lives across the country), she touches it in a different way, or helps me with something around the house, and it feels more homey after she leaves. :)

  5. It gets easier. I moved here from Philly two years ago (hot, humid, delicious Philly) and days like yesterday, when it’s chilly and I miss my mom and I miss my friends still happen. But this city is great. You’ll have lot’s of fun and your riders will totally open there arms, favorite bars and restaurants and lives to you. It’s totally gonna be awesome. Stay strong <3

  6. Love your sandals! Great links. Julia’s post was great. I was underwhelmed by Emily’s C+C line. The dress you mentioned is probably my favorite from the line, but don’t love it enough to purchase it.

  7. Moving is seriously the worst. I’m glad your first week in Chicago was good though! I wish you luck with all the unpacking. Bright side is you get to decorate your place. That’s always fun!

    The Cupcakes and Cashmere line is really great. I’m eyeing the poppy colored pleated skirt and the poppy colored shift dress. Clearly I have a poppy issue.

    Hope your second week in Chicago is just as good as the first one!

    Courtney | The Everyday Elegance

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