Identity Crisis

One of the questions I’m most commonly asked is, “How would you describe your signature style?”


Honestly? I have no idea.


I often struggle with articulating the appropriate answer to this, though I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s because style isn’t something you can boil down to three words? At least, mine isn’t. Or is it? Is yours?


That’s a lot of alliterative words for a Monday morning, so let’s take a sip of coffee (or wine, if it’s 5 p.m. where you are) and get to the point.

You might have noticed, but I’ve strayed a bit from my edgier ensembles. I’ve been wearing more lace pieces, pretty maxi dresses and a little less black-on-black. I’ve even sprinkled in a handful of preppy prints! [Pause for reaction.]

I’ve read that you become like the people you spend the most time with, so while I can shift partial blame to Jessica, Carly and Julia, perhaps it’s just my style evolving ever-so-slightly with the seasons. Does this happen to you, too?



Here’s one thing I know for certain: My outfits have to be functional. Have to be. Style doesn’t define me as a person, but it does play a huge role in reflecting my personality. And, like, if I’m on a self-imposed taxi cab strike and have to take the subway that day.

Some days I might be feeling ladylike, contemporary, or even bohemian, but my vibe is generally the same: Lazy as fuck functional. (Hey, that one was three words!)

That’s exactly what I channeled over the weekend — at #GovBallNYC, it was a backpack and Nike’s. In Soho, a simple silky dress, a pair of walk-anywhere booties and a no fuss, no frills handbag.

How was yours?


*Wearing: Ellen dress from Otte NY, thrifted Dolce & Gabbana booties, Coach penny satchel | *Beauty: NARS matte lip pencil in Dragon Girl, NARS blush in Love Joy, Benefit Gimme Brow

Lydia Hudgens Photography


  1. Love those booties Hallie and I have the same thing…can’t boil down a signature style in a few words! I know I love leather, lace, neon and skater skirts…not sure what that is ‘called’ haha! Love this post!
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  2. I love this look! It’s so perfect. The dress looks so comfortable and I love it paired with the saddle colored accessories. I think personal style is always evolving and that’s cool. You try new things and some you love and embrace and others you decide not to repeat. Or maybe you do 20 years later… I’m looking at you skinny jeans. I’m a lot older than you. :) This ain’t my first skinny jeans rodeo.

  3. Yep, I never know how to describe my style either! I think I lean towards the girlier side, but then some day I just want to wear all black and stomp around in my combat boots. I’ve noticed over the last year that I’m now drawn to things that are simple with clean lines, and overall my outfit has to be comfortable. I’m over having to fuss with my outfit the whole day!

    Love those boots you are wearing. They are a perfect match with that cute little crossbody!

  4. Just yesterday, I stood in my closet for an hour (I’m not exaggerating at all.) trying to decide what to wear for outfit photos. I finally said, “Fuck it!” and ate Chinese food instead. So, you are definitely not alone in the Schizo Style Department.

  5. Woo preppy prints! But I completely agree with the functionality aspect. I take the go-train into the city, and subway to school from there. If there’s one lesson I have learned (the very hard way) is that cute short, flowy skirts are completely impractical when you have a subway whizzing by. Hello Kate Middleton in the yellow dress (and again near the helicopter) moments.


  6. I’m right there with you-my style evolves so much when the seasons change. I get girlier, and preppier in the summer months, and layer on the black and leather in the winter!


  7. I completely agree. Some days are California boho, while other days are East Coast prep, and the next day is downtown chic. That’s the fun of it right?

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