Summer of Yes

August, man. Shit. When did that happen?mixed-prints

July came and went quicker than my last relationship June, which I didn’t think was possible.

Have you heard of the Summer of Yes?


The Summer of Yes isn’t an initiative that I invented (or in fact, I’m not sure it’s even a real thing), but I fully intend to champion the idea over the remaining few weeks of summa-summa-summatime.

Living in New York City, you tend to be surrounded by people who are constantly complaining about how all they do is work, work, work. Add dating on top of that? Forget it – Swiping right on Tinder is a full-time job in and of itself.

I can to find myself veering toward that unhappy hole of a work-a-holic category, on occasion, and it’s recently provided a rude awakening that summer is on the way out. (Seriously, though. Show of hands: July = shortest month ever?)


Let me take a step back. The “Summer of Yes” is the idea that you make a conscious effort to say yes to all kinds of fun shit so that you have the best possible summer ever. It’s about spontaneity, new experiences and just having fun.


When you’re balancing work, blog and an attempted social life, saying yes can be hard. Especially when you’d prefer to plant your ass on the couch and binge-watch Netflix (a habit that’ll soon be reserved for Sunday nights because of the Summer of Yes).

So, that’s what we’re going to start doing this weekend. Saying more of yes. Saying yes more.


Of course, not all of MY yes-fueled shenanigans will be publicly chronicled on the blog, but I vow to get up, head out and gather a few weeks worth of story-telling perfection.And I expect the same in return.

What are you saying yes to this weekend? (Other than this J.Crew sweashirt, which is 50% off).

sperry-topsiders*Wearing: Joe Fresh striped shirt, J.Crew ‘Oui’ sweatshirt (it’s 50% off!!), floral skirt c/o Vineyard Vines, Sperry Top-Sider canvas flats via Zappos (on sale)


Photos taken by Jessica Sturdy



    • Hi, Ella! With you on July being the shortest month ever…These shoes are actually my most comfortable flats (next to Tieks). They fit true-to-size and don’t rub; that lovely dryness on the backs of my ankles is from SoulCycle/exercising. : )

  1. I say no to a lot. I’m such a homebody and I love relaxing. I love relaxing so much that it’s pretty much the only thing I do. I love the idea of “Summer of Yes” because even though I choose to stay home most of the time, I get a supreme case of FOMO seeing everyone’s fun happenings. I’m going to attempt the summer of yes with you, Hallie! Great idea :)


  2. I’m saying yes to dinner, drinks and First Fridays with friends when really I’d rather lay in bed without any pants on reading a new book! Shhhh 😉

    p/s my sister got a Tinder and said it was so overwhelming she had to shut if off for a few days haha

  3. Such a cute look Hallie…good luck on Tinder haha me and my girlfriends gave up on it months ago, way too many crazy guys on there and not enough ‘normal’ ones haha!

  4. Pingback: Summer of Yes | TinderNews

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  7. Really love this idea! I always make up excuses to not go out, for whatever reason. as I move toward a more positive life, I like the idea of being open to uncertainty and having fun!


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